Living with chronic illness

What’s in Your MCAS Rescue Kit?

In this post, I share what is in my MCAS rescue kit. When you have a complex chronic illness like…

2 years ago

Toxic Triggers for MCAS

This post discusses toxic triggers for MCAS

2 years ago

The Stealthy Negative Affects of EMFs

This post talks about the ways EMFs affect Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and how to remediate spaces from EMFs so…

2 years ago

The Hidden Dangers of Mold Toxicity and MCAS

Mold toxicity is one of the triggers for MCAS. If you have been sick and can't figure out the cause…

2 years ago

Symptom Logging to Determine MCAS Food and Environmental Triggers

This post is a primer on symptom logging. If you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) you will likely have…

2 years ago

Eliminate the Anxiety About Meals with a Meal Plan for MCAS

This post provides a two-week meal plan for MCAS. Deciding what to eat each day on a special diet can…

2 years ago

Have You Tried This Low-Risk Gentle Movement?

Gentle movement can mean the difference between not moving at all and being able to gradually build a sustainable exercise…

2 years ago

Top 3 Lifechanging Campers for those with MCAS

This post compares my top 3 campers for those with chronic illness. During Covid-19 I wanted to get out and…

2 years ago

How To Choose Sparkling Water for Those with MCAS

Here's a run-down on sparkling water for those with MCAS. Sparkling water became my go-to beverage when I developed Mast…

2 years ago

Super Satisfying Homemade Electrolyte Powder

Here's my recipe for homemade electrolyte powder. It's inexpensive, easy to mix up, and super satisfying!

2 years ago

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