In this post, I’m putting the spotlight on an amazing sleep support: Earthley Good Night Lotion. Earthley makes super clean, pure products that are cruelty-free. “Everything on our labels is recognizable because it’s all about using whole and unprocessed plant materials.” – Earthley
How to Use this Easy Hack for Health Decisions
In this post, I share an easy hack for health decisions. Making decisions about your health can be stressful! And facing multiple layers of decisions at once quickly leads to decision fatigue. When you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) or another chronic illness you may not have healthcare practitioners that are not adequately knowledgeable about your illness, you may still be looking for a doctor who gets your situation, or you may just need more daily, hands-on input than your practitioner is able to give you. In any case, having reliable information for making decisions about your healthcare is crucial. This post will introduce you to using kinesiology — the wisdom of your own body — to gather information for healthcare decisions.
10 Practical Tips for Managing Chronic Illness
This post offers ten tips for managing the everyday realities of chronic illness. Having a chronic illness adds extra mental work to your already full plate. When you have brain fog on top of that, you can easily lose track of how you wanted your day to go. Your symptoms are there to give you signals from your body about when to slow down, and what to prioritize.
Understanding Trauma and Chronic Illness
This post will give you an understanding of the price of trauma with chronic illness. You may harbor trauma in your body; most humans do. And having a chronic illness brings with it many possible traumatizing events, from medical procedures to stigmatization, to marginalization. The following introduction to trauma is provided to help you to understand what trauma is.
Focus Your Mind: Meditation for Chronic Illness
Meditation for chronic illness has myriad physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits. Did you know that you can help to heal your vagus nerve with meditation? Meditation reduces cortisol and epinephrine in the body, chemicals that lower immunity over time. Brain research confirms that meditating even for a few minutes per day makes a significant difference in your ability to cope, in resilience, in your quality of sleep, and in your stress response.
Best Ever Breath Practice for MCAS
In this post, I share the best breath practices for MCAS. Breathing is something you do automatically, but you may not be aware that you are breathing shallowly. If you are chronically ill with Mast Cell Activation (MCAS) or another chronic illness you may experience pain regularly. You may unintentionally hold your breath to guard against pain. But breathing deeply can actually help you heal.
Empowering Caregiver Survival Tips for When You Need Care Too!
This post is a guide to caregiver survival tips when you have a chronic illness yourself. If your loved one needs your help you jump in without questioning it! But taking time to evaluate what your loved one needs, who else is available to help, and what they can afford, can ensure that you are not doing everything yourself. If you are the only caregiver available you need to be extra careful to watch your stress levels when you yourself are chronically ill.
Prioritizing Setting Healthy Boundaries for MCAS
Healthy boundaries for MCAS means setting and maintaining the conditions for you to thrive. Healthy boundaries are the core of a loving relationship with yourself and others. And having healthy boundaries is especially important when you have a chronic illness like Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). In this post you will learn to set physical and energetic boundaries, using simple tools.
Five Effective Tips for Addressing Pain with MCAS
Pain with MCAS – Pain can be a common symptom of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and many chronic illnesses. In this post, I provide five tips for dealing with pain when you have a chronic illness.
Emphasizing Radical Self-Care for Chronic Illness
This post provides tips for practicing radical self-care for chronic illness. Taking care of yourself is critical whenever you are in a role where you give of your own energy, such as parenting, caregiving, or working in a helping profession. And this includes being your own caregiver when you have a chronic illness. Being sick takes tremendous energy, and it can often feel like you don’t have the energy to take care of yourself, let alone add in self-care.