Have You Tried This Low-Risk Gentle Movement?

Gentle movement can mean the difference between not moving at all and being able to gradually build a sustainable exercise plan. This post provides a gentle movement routine to help you get started. Always consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning a new exercise routine.

Top 3 Lifechanging Campers for those with MCAS

This post compares my top 3 campers for those with chronic illness. During Covid-19 I wanted to get out and experience nature as a way to vacation without the risks of human contact. And so did a lot of other people! Sales of campers boomed, campsites were full, and vlogs about van life and car life exploded. Self-contained alternatives for vacationing like travel trailers and vans appeal to me with my Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) diagnosis since I can’t tolerate hotels due to off-gassing building materials, mold, and the standard use of cleaning and laundry chemicals.

How To Choose Sparkling Water for Those with MCAS

Here’s a run-down on sparkling water for those with MCAS. Sparkling water became my go-to beverage when I developed Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). I couldn’t tolerate alcoholic beverages anymore. Juices, sodas, and cafe beverages were out because I am on limiting carbs and caffeine. But when I want a “cocktail” in the evening most […]

Trusted Personal Care Products

This post is about the personal care products that I have found to be tolerable with MCAS. Everyone has different triggers, so these products may not work for you. So use this as a starting place to figure out the products that you can tolerate.

Practical Strategies for Managing MCAS

This post provides some practical tips for managing MCAS — specifically to address stress as a trigger for MCAS. Stress, toxins, and infections are the three underlying triggers for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). This post covers treatments that are helpful for vagus nerve injury and limbic system dysfunction, which fall under the category of “stress.” So how do you manage “stress”? Read to find out!

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