This post addresses infectious triggers of MCAS or mast cell activation syndrome.
Finding Safe Plastics for Life and Camping
This post discusses safe plastics for life and camping when you have a chronic illness like MCAS.
Comprehensive Guide to Safer Living Spaces For Chronic Illness
Having safer living spaces is a major part of feeling safe in your home, thereby enhancing parasympathetic rest. There are a number of considerations to keep in mind when building or moving houses or purchasing a new home if you have MCAS or a complex chronic illness.
Trust These Safer Cleaning Products for MCAS
This post is about safer cleaning products for MCAS. Many cleaning products on the market contain fragrances, bleaches, and chemicals that are irritating for people with MCAS.
Trusted Personal Care Products
This post is about the personal care products that I have found to be tolerable with MCAS. Everyone has different triggers, so these products may not work for you. So use this as a starting place to figure out the products that you can tolerate.
Practical Strategies for Managing MCAS
This post provides some practical tips for managing MCAS — specifically to address stress as a trigger for MCAS. Stress, toxins, and infections are the three underlying triggers for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). This post covers treatments that are helpful for vagus nerve injury and limbic system dysfunction, which fall under the category of “stress.” So how do you manage “stress”? Read to find out!
The Importance of Vagus Nerve Health in MCAS
This post addresses the importance of vagus nerve health for MCAS.
Avoid Frustration – Figure Out What You Can Eat When You Have MCAS
This post provides ideas for what you can eat when you have MCAS.
Surviving with MCAS Away from Home
This post provides tips and tricks for surviving with MCAS away from home.
What is MCAS?
This post provides a primer on what is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.