Lower Histamine 7-Day Liver Cleanse Protocol

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This post discusses the gentle Lower Histamine 7-Day Lower Cleanse Protocol I developed in the spring of 2023. It’s springtime again in my part of the world, and spring is a wonderful time to detox your liver to start the season fresh.

I developed this protocol based on my years of experience with MCAS and liver issues, combining aspects of several liver detox programs into one that works better for my MCAS because it is gentler and is spread out over the course of a week.

As I discuss, in this post about parasites, I have a long history of liver toxicity and parasite challenges. You might think that parasites are a problem only in developing areas of the world. But parasites are more common than you think.

I like to do a liver detox at least once a year, usually between March and May. Spring is the ideal time to focus on detoxing because your body is adjusting to warmer temperatures and being outside more. This month I’m focusing on loving my liver and managing parasites.

Part of that solution to my challenges is this gentle Lower Histamine 7-Day Liver Cleanse Protocol. I’ve tried dozens of liver cleanses, and they all either made me sick, caused a huge MCAS flare, or both. I carefully crafted this Lower Histamine 7-Day Liver Cleanse Protocol to gently address liver toxicity while keeping your histamine “bucket” as low as possible (see below on the Bucket Theory).

Why a liver cleanse?

I have done a lot of liver cleanses in my life. Every functional practitioner I’ve seen has told me that my liver is sluggish and it’s at the root of my health challenges including MCAS.

I’ve tried supplements to clean out the liver, homeopathic detox drops, coffee enemas, infrared light and saunas, ozone saunas and insufflation, fresh vegetable juicing, and magnesium sulfate/olive oil/lemon cocktails to encourage the liver to dump toxins and gallstones. But nothing ever seemed to make a lasting difference on my liver health.

If you have a propensity to MCAS and your liver is not functioning optimally you will have more significant MCAS symptoms. And in fact, toxins are one of the primary triggers for MCAS along with infections and trauma.

Also, if your liver is not functioning at its best you are more susceptible to parasites and digestive issues, such as SIBO.

What is MCAS?

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a chronic condition that affects all organ systems. MCAS is serious and disabling and people with MCAS often experience significant and debilitating symptoms daily, including anaphylaxis, which can be fatal.

MCAS is often found in combination with other chronic conditions such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).

Frequently healthcare providers do not know about MCAS, and the tests for MCAS are problematic because they are not uniformly reliable. MCAS can be difficult to manage. Treatments include blocking mast cell mediators with anti-histamines and mast cell stabilizers, as well as avoiding triggers.

Check out this post on how to manage MCAS.

How to make a liver cleanse MCAS-friendly

Because I have MCAS I often experience severe Herxheimer reactions from liver cleansing which results in major mast cell flaring. Herxheimer or Herxing Reactions are short-term (from days to a few weeks) detoxification reactions in the body, causing flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea, or other symptoms.

I often experience a cortisol dump when I fast, because my body is too stressed by blood sugar fluctuations. That in turn caused more mast cell flaring.

So in creating this gentle liver detox protocol, I wanted to keep the body in a parasympathetic state of rest, to avoid Herxing, and to avoid causing stress on the body that might trigger mast cell activation.

What’s different about this liver cleanse protocol?

This liver cleanse protocol is gentle and aims to support your liver to detox while keeping your body in a state of parasympathetic rest and digestion. To do that there is no fasting. You eat as many of the allowed foods as you need each day to feel full and satisfied.

This liver cleanse is also gentle because it slowly ramps up over seven days, giving the body time to adjust as you go. And it’s flexible, so if you need to make adjustments to it you can.

In addition, I have found this protocol to be a great way to reduce mast cell activity. By eating fresh fruits and vegetables your body doesn’t need to work as hard at digestion, and the foods themselves are anti-inflammatory. I find that I need fewer of my MCAS medications and supplements while I’m doing this liver cleanse. It’s like having a natural reset to my MCAS management routine.

Supplements to support the Lower Histamine 7-Day Liver Cleanse Protocol

For this protocol, I recommend taking a few supportive supplements — first of all to help mop up the toxins your liver releases, and secondly, to support your digestion.

  • Binders like this one or this one help clear toxins as they are released from the liver so that they are excreted and not reabsorbed into your body. But you need to take binders at least two hours away from medications and supplements to make sure the binder doesn’t mop them up too.
  • If your digestion is compromised, taking one capsule of Healthy Gut Holozyme helps your body digest your food more easily, so your gut is not stressed.
  • Taking homeopathic drops like Hepata-Chord and Hepatic-Tone provides further support to rid your body of toxins as the liver releases them while keeping your drainage pathways open.
  • Rubbing castor oil on the skin over the liver and your entire belly at bedtime can assist with detoxification too. Wear an old T-shirt that won’t get ruined by castor oil!
  • If you sign up for support here I can create an individualized plan of supportive supplements for you!

What foods do you eat on the Lower Histamine 7-Day Liver Cleanse Protocol?

The cornerstone of this Protocol is to eat your way to a clean liver. I chose this method because one of the biggest stumbling blocks I’ve had with other liver cleanses and fasting regimens is feeling emotionally deprived of satisfying foods. Food is how we nourish our bodies, and that includes emotional nourishment. Eating is also a social activity. Though you will be eating different foods than those around you while you are on this Protocol you will still have a variety of foods to enjoy, and you will eat as much as you need to feel satisfied.

So, in this protocol, you don’t have to feel deprived. You will eat a variety of dishes (see the recipes linked below), snack on an abundance of fruits and vegetables, and you will benefit from maintaining consistent blood sugar levels.

Overview of the Lower Histamine 7-Day Liver Cleanse Protocol

The 7-Day protocol gently and gradually progresses from your everyday diet to a raw juice diet over seven days. The suggested recipes below include generally tolerated lower histamine foods, but you should adjust as needed if you can’t tolerate a particular food.

On Days 1-3, you introduce vegetable juices in the morning, snack on fresh fruits, have a big salad at lunchtime, and have a meal of your choice at dinnertime within the cleanse parameters. The goal is to reduce your intake of fat by half in the first three days, to gradually adjust to the new regimen, and to avoid gluten, dairy, eggs, lamb, and pork products.

On Days 4-6, you refrain from having any protein or fat, and you consume even more fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day. At dinnertime, you have a cooked meal of liver-supporting vegetables.

And on Day 7 you mainly consume fresh vegetable and fruit juices.

Click here to get the Protocol.

Tips for doing the gentle Lower Histamine 7-Day Liver Cleanse Protocol

Here are some tips for making a liver cleanse like the Lower Histamine 7-Day Liver Cleanse Protocol successful:

  • Talk to your healthcare provider to ensure a liver cleanse is a good idea for your health before you start.
  • Above all, keep taking your MCAS stabilizing supplements and medications while doing the Protocol. Many liver cleansing protocols advocate stopping all medications to give the liver a break. This is generally not a good idea for those with MCAS! The last thing you want to do is throw your body into a big MCAS flare.
  • I use Healy to support my detoxification process. Healy is a small wearable frequency device that delivers helpful frequencies. You can run frequencies for liver detoxification, lymph drainage, and many other programs to support your detox.
  • Click here to sign up for support! I provide one-on-one coaching and support, and I can tailor the Protocol to your situation, suggest helpful frequencies, and support you along the way!
  • Use homeopathy to support your liver cleanse. The following Energetix homeopathic remedies are well-suited to support your liver detox:

Homeopathy for detoxification support

I discuss homeopathy for MCAS and chronic illness in this post. My favorite form of homeopathy for MCAS is Energetix. Energetix homeopathic products are prepared according to the HPUS guidelines (Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States) and are formulated to effectively address a wide variety of modern concerns. The pleasant-tasting liquid form of Energetix remedies is easy to dose and use.

Energetix makes three types of homeopathic remedies: Paths, Tones, and Chords.

  • Paths – Product names ending in “Path” are for symptoms related to weakness or imbalance in systems, organs, glands, or tissues.
  • Tones – Product names ending in “Tone” are for symptoms related to congestion or stress in systems, organs, glands, or tissues.
  • Chords – Product names ending in “Chord” are for symptoms related to systems, organs, glands, or tissues that are compromised or overburdened by toxins.

With Energetix remedies you are best off combining a Chord with a Tone; the Chord addresses toxicity in the body, while the Tone provides drainage support to excrete the toxins. Paths can be taken without the support of a Tone.

Here is my list of go-to Energetix Remedies for supporting detoxification.

MycoCan-Chord is for symptoms of candida mold toxicity

Para-Chord is for addressing parasites

Viru-Chord is helpful for clearing viral infections such as EBV

Neuro-Chord is helpful for neurotoxins

Hepata-Chord pairs with Hepatic-Tone, and is for general liver toxicity

Tox-Chord is for chemical toxicity Drainage Tone supports detox pathways

Lymph-Tone II assists with detoxing chronic issues

Lymph-Tone III is helpful in detoxing issues due to hypersensitivities and neuropathy

It is important to pair Chords with Tones, so if you would like help choosing remedies for your specific situation please schedule a session with me for individualized support. Click here to schedule a session.

Liver support recipes

I have crafted five Liver Supporting recipes that give you a variety of foods to eat while cleansing and help you feel satisfied while doing this cleanse, linked here:

Liver Support Juice

Liver Support Smoothie

Liver Support Salad

Liver Support Braise

Liver Support Soup

This selection of recipes provides a variety of meal choices so that you can enjoy different types of foods, some raw and some cooked, you feel full after eating, and you don’t feel emotionally deprived.

Get support!

To get the full Lower Histamine 7-Day Liver Cleanse Protocol click here!

Your purchase includes the written Protocol, a 30-minute individual coaching session with me to get you started with the Protocol and to answer any questions you have, plus email support while you are doing the Cleanse.

The bucket theory

The bucket theory offers a helpful analogy for understanding symptom reactions with MCAS.

Think of your body as an empty bucket that you want to keep from overflowing. Different foods and activities fill your histamine bucket at different speeds but they combine to form the total level of histamine in your body (how full your bucket is). A fuller bucket means you have more histamine symptoms. When you manage triggers, reduce exposure to known triggers, and take medications and supplements to reduce histamine, you can manage the level of your bucket.

Know your typical symptom progression

It’s important to know your symptom progression in a symptom flare before embarking on a liver cleanse. Knowing how your body responds during a symptom flare is the key to developing your own rescue plan. In this post, I discuss how to determine your own symptom progression. Once you know what typically happens in your symptom progression you can design a rescue plan to address those symptoms.

Get my free ebook, symptom log, and meal plan!

Want a tool to easily keep track of your symptoms? Sign up for my newsletter and you will receive my free 50-page ebook of lower-histamine, grain-free, sugar-free recipes, my free symptom log, and a free two-week meal plan!

Sign up for the SSP!

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a listening therapy based on Polyvagal Theory created by Stephen Porges to unlock your ability to think, feel, and connect better through nervous system regulation. You use the SSP via an app on your phone and listen with over-the-ear headphones to specially filtered music that heals the nervous system, specifically the vagus nerve. You subscribe to the app with a provider like me and listen to the specially curated music for 30 minutes each day for a 5-hour cycle. Studies show the SSP has a profound effect on mental health and chronic conditions

You can sign up for the SSP here!

Order my book!

Rocks and Roots chronicles my journey solo backpacking the Superior Hiking Trail and overcoming nervous system dysregulation, gut dysbiosis, and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome symptoms to hike 328 miles successfully.

Check out this powerful frequency device

Healy is an individualized microcurrent device I use to reduce inflammation. Check out this post for more about Healy.

Sign up for a session!

I provide one-on-one in-person and remote chronic illness and caregiver coaching and Sacred Self-Healing Sessions based on the Sacred Self-Healing Method, a proven novel co-creative healing modality detailed in my Books

Click here for more information.

What do you think?

I’d love to have your reply below!


The preceding material does not constitute medical advice. This information is for information purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, cure or treatment. Always seek advice from your medical doctor. 


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