The Magic of Anti-Histamine Foods

Have you heard of anti-histamine foods? When you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or MCAS, the key to success is to find the foods you can tolerate. Foods that are high in histamine should generally be avoided, but your individual constitution will determine what you can tolerate. Foods that are low in histamine are generally considered safe. And then there are foods that actually lower histamine or anti-histamine foods. When you include anti-histamine foods in your meals you can ameliorate some of the negative effects of eating higher histamine foods.

Fail Proof Lower Histamine Gravy Recipe

This lower histamine gravy recipe makes a satisfying vegan keto-friendly sauce for holiday meals. With the holidays coming up I like to have a batch of this gravy on hand in frozen portions in my freezer.

Breakthrough Detoxing with MCAS

Detoxing with MCAS needs to be specialized. From genetic testing, I know that I carry gene variants that make it more difficult for my body to detoxify. Yet I feel better when I have less inflammation and less toxic load on my body. I’ve run into problems trying to detoxify because the typical methods of detoxification can cause mast cell activation.

How To Make Amazing Lower Histamine Latkes

I developed this recipe for lower histamine latkes in my quest to find delicious lower histamine Keto diet-friendly replacements for one of our family favorites, Jewish Hannukah potato pancakes. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Ingredient notes for these lower histamine latkes Last year before I switched to a Keto diet I […]

Selected Helpful Supplements for MCAS

This post discusses helpful supplements for MCAS. Supplements can be part of the solution when you have MCAS, in addition to taking medications, addressing the root cause, vagus nerve healing, and reducing inflammation. Supplements can reduce the need for medications, assist with side effects, and even act as mast cell stabilizers.

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