Carmelized Onions

Makes a big batch that can be frozen in small containers to use in recipes, add flavor to meats and broths, etc. 5 large organic yellow onions 4 T. olive oil 1 t. sea salt Drizzle 1 T. olive oil into crockpot.  Slice onions in 1/4 inch slices and place in crock pot.  Drizzle with remaining […]

Lima Bean Hummus

Hello again!  As a kid I hated lima beans — dry, mealy, gag-inducing.  Well, now lima beans are one of the three approved beans, so I’m making an attempt at liking them.  This hummus recipe comes from Food and Wine Magazine. 12 oz. frozen lima beans, thawed 1/4 c. organic olive oil 2 cloves garlic […]

Date-Pecan Muffins

These are super satisfying when you are missing bread products.  Because they have so much almond meal I’d recommend limiting your consumption to one per day. 4 pitted Medjool dates 1/2 c. boiling filtered water 2 c.  almond meal 4 eggs 1/2 c. pecans 1/3 c. melted duck Fat or ghee 1/4 t. baking soda Place dates in […]

Duckfat-Honey Butter

This is a good spread on pancakes or muffins because the fat is satisfying and cuts some of the sweetness of the honey. 2 T. rendered organic duck fat 2 T. raw honey Stir together the ingredients in a small bowl.  Store refrigerated, for up to a week.

Asian-Style Liver “Dumpling” Soup

I wanted an “Asian” style dumpling soup, but I’m not sure I can have tamari yet, so this is what I made to fit the bill: 1/2 lb. organic chicken livers 1 small onion, chopped 1/2 t. sea salt Pepper 1 c. almond meal 1 egg 1 T. fresh parseley Grated zest of one lemon 1 […]

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