Facial Wash

Option 1 – Wash your face with honey, rinse with warm water. Option 2 – Oil cleansing with organic Jojoba oil.

Facial Toner

3/4 c. alcohol-free witch hazel 1/2 t. carrot seed oil 1/4 t. sea buckthorn oil Combine ingredients in a 2 oz. spray bottle spray bottle. Wash face, spritz with toner, then apply a moisturizing oil.

Hair Detox Mask

Hair Detox Mask 1 Get Clean tea bag 1 c. Filtered water ¼ c. Arrowroot powder 3 rounded scoops Indian Healing Clay / Bentonite clay Heat water to boiling and pour over tea bag. Steep 15 minutes then discard tea bag. Add arrowroot and clay, stirring with a fork until thoroughly mixed. Wet hair completely […]

GAPS Friendly Deodorant

Print 1 T. Baking soda 1 T. Arrowroot powder 1 T. Fullers Earth Clay powder 5-10 drops Lavender essential oil 5-10 drops Grapefruit essential oil 5-10 drops Geranium essential oil 5-10 drops Tea Tree essential oil Combine all ingredients in a jar. Apply with a powder puff. © 2015 dairyfreegaps.wordpress.com / Betsy Leighton

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