“Owie” Essential Oil Blend

This essential oil blend is very potent and is useful for muscle soreness, nerve pain, and achey joints. Choose essential oils that are organic, and sourced responsibly. 20 drops Birch (Betula lenta) essential oil (note – do not use if you are sensitive to salicylates)15 drops Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum) essential oil5 drops Peppermint (Piperita Indian) […]

Facial Wash

Option 1 – Wash your face with honey, rinse with warm water. Option 2 – Oil cleansing with organic Jojoba oil.

Facial Toner

3/4 c. alcohol-free witch hazel 1/2 t. carrot seed oil 1/4 t. sea buckthorn oil Combine ingredients in a 2 oz. spray bottle spray bottle. Wash face, spritz with toner, then apply a moisturizing oil.

Hair Detox Mask

Hair Detox Mask 1 Get Clean tea bag 1 c. Filtered water ¼ c. Arrowroot powder 3 rounded scoops Indian Healing Clay / Bentonite clay Heat water to boiling and pour over tea bag. Steep 15 minutes then discard tea bag. Add arrowroot and clay, stirring with a fork until thoroughly mixed. Wet hair completely […]

GAPS Friendly Deodorant

Print 1 T. Baking soda 1 T. Arrowroot powder 1 T. Fullers Earth Clay powder 5-10 drops Lavender essential oil 5-10 drops Grapefruit essential oil 5-10 drops Geranium essential oil 5-10 drops Tea Tree essential oil Combine all ingredients in a jar. Apply with a powder puff. © 2015 dairyfreegaps.wordpress.com / Betsy Leighton

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