Tart Cherry Sauce 

Print 2 c. Pitted tart cherries 1/2 c. Filtered water 1 T. Raw honey 1 t. Vanilla extract Combine cherries and water in medium saucepan. Heat to boiling over medium high heat and simmer for about 30 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in honey and vanilla. Serve over yogurt, ice cream, etc. © 2015 […]

Tart Cherry Frozen Yogurt

14 oz. raw organic yogurt (or full fat organic coconut milk) 2 c. Tart cherries, pitted (can be frozen) 1/4 c. Raw honey 1 t. Vanilla extract 1/8 t. Almond extract 2 raw pastured egg yolks Combine all ingredients in blender and purée. Strain because you might have missed a pit. Refrigerate until ready to […]

Fruit Ice

Watermelon ice pictured above Fruit Ice Ripe organic fruit such as watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, etc Wash and cut fruit (if melon) into bite-sized pieces. Cover a cookie sheet with a layer of plastic wrap. Arrange fruit in a single layer on the cookie sheet, with the fruit separated so it won’t freeze together. Place cookie sheet […]

Blueberry Cobbler

Click here for printable copy. 1 pint organic blueberries 1 c. organic raw nuts (combination of almond, walnut, pecan, cashew) 1/4 c. ghee 1/4 c. honey Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Pour berries in a buttered soufflé dish. Place nuts, ghee and honey is food processor, and pulse until crumbly. Spread nuts evenly over berries. […]

Almond Fruit Tart

Click here for printable copy. 1 1/2 c. almond flour 2 T. raw honey 3 T. ghee 3 T. lemon curd 2 c. mixed berries Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Combine almond flour, honey and ghee in food processor until it forms a paste. Press evenly into a ten-inch tart pan and prick all over […]

Rhubarb Sauce

1 lb. fresh or frozen rhubarb, sliced in 1/4 inch slices 1 c. filtered water 1/2 c. honey Combine ingredients in medium saucepan and cook, uncovered over medium heat about one hour, until it reaches applesauce-like consistency.

Fruit Tart

From The Heal Your Gut Cookbook. Crust: 1 c. crispy nuts (I used 1/3 almond, 1/3 cashew and 1/3 pecan) 1 c. unsweetened shredded coconut 3 medjool dates Filling: 1/4 c. lemon curd Topping: 1 c. mixed berries Combine crust ingredients in a food processor and process until it forms a paste. Spread evenly into […]

Lemon Curd

Click here for printable copy. 6 egg yolks Juice and zest of two lemons 1/2 c. honey 3 T. cold pastured butter Combine yolks, lemon juice and zest and honey in a heavy-bottomed saucepan or in a saucepan over simmering water (double-boiler). Turn the heat to medium and whisk in the butter as the mixture […]

Cabbage with Bacon

1 large head green cabbage, cored and chopped 1 T. olive oil 7 slices sugar-free bacon, chopped 1 onion, diced 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 t. sea salt 1/2 t. pepper Place the bacon in a large stockpot or Dutch oven and cook on medium about 10 minutes.  Add the onion and garlic, and cook 10 […]

Honey Ribs

Print 2 racks of pork ribs Dry Rub: 1 T. Rapadura 1 t. garlic powder 1/2 t. salt 1/2 t. pepper 1/2 t. ground ginger Sauce: 1 T. Rapadura 1/4 c. honey 3/4 c. water 2 cloves minced garlic 1 T. Tamari 1. Combine Dry Rub ingredients in a small bowl. 2. Combine sauce ingredients […]

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