Almond Butter Sauce

1/2 inch ginger, peeled 1/2 garlic clove 1/4 c. Almond Butter 1 T. coconut aminos 1/2 T. lime juice 1/2 t. honey 1/8 t. red pepper flakes Combine ingredients in the cup of a high-speed blender and pulse until smooth. Serve with homemade spring rolls.

Mushroom Pâté

Print 8 oz. sliced mushrooms 1 large shallot, sliced 1/4 c. ghee or duck fat 1 T. dry white wine 1 T. chicken or duck broth 1/2 t. dried Rosemary sea salt and pepper to taste Heat fat in medium saucepan, then add mushrooms and shallot. Saute about 10 minutes, stirring frequently, until shallot is […]

Raw Walnut Pate

Print 1 c. organic raw unsalted walnuts 2 T. flat leaf parsley, minced 1 T. lime juice 3 T. olive oil 1 t. soy sauce (if tolerated) 1 clove garlic, minced salt and pepper Soak nuts for 8 hours. Drain and combine with all remaining ingredients in a food processor. Process until smooth paste, scraping sides […]

Wild Mushroom Rutabega Cakes

2 large rutabagas, peeled and cut in half 1/2 oz. dried wild mushrooms 1 c. boiling water 1/3 c. blanched almond flour 1/2 c. Carmelized Onions 2 eggs 1/2 t. sea salt black pepper to taste 2 T. ghee or duckfat (plus more for greasing pan) 1/2 t. dried Thyme 1. Place rutabagas in a […]

Pumpkin Blueberry Pancakes

1 c. almond flour 1 c. roasted pumpkin, cooled and mashed 1/4 c. melted duckfat 3 eggs 1 t. vanilla extract 1/2 t. baking soda 1 t. cinnamon 1/4 t. minced ginger 1/4 c. water 1/2 c. blueberries Preheat griddle and grease with ghee.  Whisk together all ingredients except blueberries.  Using an ice cream scoop or […]

Avocado Deviled Eggs

6 organic eggs, hard boiled, peeled 1 avocado 2 t. lime juice 1/2 t. dried mustard salt and pepper to taste Slice eggs in half.  Remove egg yolks, and place in a medium bowl. Arrange whites on a plate.  Add avocado, lime juice, mustard, and salt and pepper to yolks.  Mash until smooth.  Place about 1/2 T. of filling mixture […]

Liver Pate

1 lb. chicken livers 2 T. duck fat or ghee 2 T. white wine 3 hard boiled eggs 1/2 c. camelized onions salt and pepper Melt fat in a medium saute pan.  Add chicken livers and cook over medium heat until brown all over.  Add wine to deglaze pan.  Scrape contents of pan into food processor. […]

Lima Bean Hummus

Hello again!  As a kid I hated lima beans — dry, mealy, gag-inducing.  Well, now lima beans are one of the three approved beans, so I’m making an attempt at liking them.  This hummus recipe comes from Food and Wine Magazine. 12 oz. frozen lima beans, thawed 1/4 c. organic olive oil 2 cloves garlic […]

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