5 Useful Healthier Home Tips for MCAS

In this post, I share five healthier home tips to make your home your safe haven from environmental triggers. If you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), or another chronic illness, then conventional building materials, technology, and cleaning products are problematic for people with sensitive constitutions.

Discover My Effective EMF Shielding Products

My EMF shielding products are helpful for addressing electromagnetic exposure. Electromagnetic frequencies, or EMFs, surround us everywhere in our modern daily lives. The radiation being emitted from your wifi router, your cell phone, your cordless phones, your Bluetooth devices, your microwave oven, and many other products is EMFs. EMFs have been shown to be harmful to human, plant, and animal tissues. In European countries, EMFs have been banned from schools and hospitals. But those same safety measures have not been adopted here in the US.

Top 3 Lifechanging Campers for those with MCAS

This post compares my top 3 campers for those with chronic illness. During Covid-19 I wanted to get out and experience nature as a way to vacation without the risks of human contact. And so did a lot of other people! Sales of campers boomed, campsites were full, and vlogs about van life and car life exploded. Self-contained alternatives for vacationing like travel trailers and vans appeal to me with my Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) diagnosis since I can’t tolerate hotels due to off-gassing building materials, mold, and the standard use of cleaning and laundry chemicals.

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