This post covers the basics of MCAS, pronounced em-cass–what it is, what the triggers are, diet, symptoms, and typical treatments.
The Trouble with Sex When You have MCAS
This post discusses the trouble with sex when you have MCAS
What Are Mast Cell Mediators?
This post discusses mast cell mediators. When activated, mast cells produce many chemical mediators. Many mast cell mediators are crucial to our survival, so the goal is not to get rid of them but to keep your mast cells from being too activated and degranulating. What is MCAS? Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a […]
Practical Strategies for Managing MCAS
This post provides some practical tips for managing MCAS — specifically to address stress as a trigger for MCAS. Stress, toxins, and infections are the three underlying triggers for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). This post covers treatments that are helpful for vagus nerve injury and limbic system dysfunction, which fall under the category of “stress.” So how do you manage “stress”? Read to find out!