Wild Mushroom Rutabega Cakes

2 large rutabagas, peeled and cut in half 1/2 oz. dried wild mushrooms 1 c. boiling water 1/3 c. blanched almond flour 1/2 c. Carmelized Onions 2 eggs 1/2 t. sea salt black pepper to taste 2 T. ghee or duckfat (plus more for greasing pan) 1/2 t. dried Thyme 1. Place rutabagas in a […]

Homemade Chocolate

It’s not clear to me whether chocolate is GAPS allowed or not.  I’ve read that it’s allowed if tolerated.  I was dying to make homemade chocolate, and it was fun and easy!  Then I did the Coca Pulse Test with it, and predictably I reacted to it.  Well, I’m still glad I made it, but it’s going into the […]

Pumpkin Blueberry Pancakes

1 c. almond flour 1 c. roasted pumpkin, cooled and mashed 1/4 c. melted duckfat 3 eggs 1 t. vanilla extract 1/2 t. baking soda 1 t. cinnamon 1/4 t. minced ginger 1/4 c. water 1/2 c. blueberries Preheat griddle and grease with ghee.  Whisk together all ingredients except blueberries.  Using an ice cream scoop or […]

Hollandaise Sauce

1 egg yolk 1 t. sea salt black pepper 1/2 t. yellow mustard powder Juice of one lemon 1/2 c. duckfat or ghee Place first five ingredients in blender.  Heat the fat in a small saucepan until very hot (just boiling).  Carefully dump it into your blender and immediately puree the mixture until smooth.  Serve warm, […]

Cocoa Pecan Muffins

2 c. almond meal 3 eggs 4 dates soaked in 1/2 c. boiling water 1/3 c. duckfat or ghee 1/4 c. raw organic cocoa powder 1/2 t. baking soda 1/2 t. salt 1/2 c. raw organic pecans, soaked and dehydrated Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Prepare 12 muffin cups with paper or silicone liners.  Puree dates […]

Caesar Dressing

1 clove garlic, minced 1/2 t. Dijon mustard 1 T. fresh lemon juice 1/4 t. Worcestershire sauce 1/4 c. olive oil 2 T. Mayonaise salt and pepper to taste Combine all ingredients in blender and blend about 30 seconds.  Refrigerate.  Serve over romaine lettuce.


This comes from Sally Fallon’s cookbook, Nourishing Traditions.  I used avacado oil instead of her suggested oils. 1 whole egg, at room temperature 1 egg yolk, at room temperature 1 t. dijon mustard 1 1/2 T. lemon juice 1 T. Whey (optional) 3/4 – 1 c. avacado oil generous pinch of salt Combine all ingredients […]

Cranberry Orange Muffins

2 c. almond meal 3 eggs 4 dates soaked in 1/2 c. boiling water zest of one orange 2 T. orange juice 1 t. baking soda 1/2 t. salt 1 c. cranberries, fresh or frozen Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Prepare 12 muffin cups with paper or silicone liners.  Puree dates and hot water in blender. […]

Avocado Deviled Eggs

6 organic eggs, hard boiled, peeled 1 avocado 2 t. lime juice 1/2 t. dried mustard salt and pepper to taste Slice eggs in half.  Remove egg yolks, and place in a medium bowl. Arrange whites on a plate.  Add avocado, lime juice, mustard, and salt and pepper to yolks.  Mash until smooth.  Place about 1/2 T. of filling mixture […]

Liver Pate

1 lb. chicken livers 2 T. duck fat or ghee 2 T. white wine 3 hard boiled eggs 1/2 c. camelized onions salt and pepper Melt fat in a medium saute pan.  Add chicken livers and cook over medium heat until brown all over.  Add wine to deglaze pan.  Scrape contents of pan into food processor. […]

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