I’ve been using the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) for Nervous System Retraining since November 2023, and I’m excited to share the improvements that have continued since my fall health update.
Five Effective Tips for Addressing Pain with MCAS
Pain with MCAS – Pain can be a common symptom of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and many chronic illnesses. In this post, I provide five tips for dealing with pain when you have a chronic illness.
Practical Strategies for Managing MCAS
This post provides some practical tips for managing MCAS — specifically to address stress as a trigger for MCAS. Stress, toxins, and infections are the three underlying triggers for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). This post covers treatments that are helpful for vagus nerve injury and limbic system dysfunction, which fall under the category of “stress.” So how do you manage “stress”? Read to find out!
The Importance of Vagus Nerve Health in MCAS
This post addresses the importance of vagus nerve health for MCAS.