Here’s a run-down on sparkling water for those with MCAS. Sparkling water became my go-to beverage when I developed Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). I couldn’t tolerate alcoholic beverages anymore. Juices, sodas, and cafe beverages were out because I am on limiting carbs and caffeine. But when I want a “cocktail” in the evening most […]
Delicious Guilt-Free Lower Histamine Cassava Mini Muffins
These lower histamine cassava mini muffins satisfy your craving for baked goods while being lower in histamine, oxalates, carbs, and saclicylates.
Super Satisfying Homemade Electrolyte Powder
Here’s my recipe for homemade electrolyte powder. It’s inexpensive, easy to mix up, and super satisfying!
Trusted Personal Care Products
This post is about the personal care products that I have found to be tolerable with MCAS. Everyone has different triggers, so these products may not work for you. So use this as a starting place to figure out the products that you can tolerate.
8 Trusted Holiday Recipes for MCAS
This post provides seven trusted holiday recipes for when you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. With the holidays around the corner, traditionally a time of eating good food with family, you might be wondering what can you eat for holiday meals when you have MCAS.
Approved Lower Histamine Pesto
This lower histamine pesto recipe is quite versatile and it can be used on grain-free keto pasta, in lasagna, in egg dishes, on Keto pizza, or over salmon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Ingredient notes for lower histamine pesto You can substitute many different types of herbs for the basil in […]
Bomb Lower Histamine Protein Shake
After fasting in the morning I like to drink this high-fat lower histamine protein shake to give me continued brain energy for the afternoon. This recipe combines a high-quality collagen powder with hemp protein powder, ice, and water.
Amazing Lower Histamine Chocolate Ice Cream
This lower histamine chocolate ice cream is an easy summer dessert that can be whipped up in mere minutes whenever you are craving something creamy and chocolatey. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Ingredient notes for lower histamine chocolate ice cream I like to use Perfect Supplements Grass Fed Brazilian Collagen in […]
Chewy Delicious Lower Histamine Chocolate Chip Cookies
These lower histamine chocolate chip cookies are pure comfort food! So I was thrilled when I came up with a version of the classic recipe that I could tolerate.
Savory and Delicious Lower Histamine Chicken Lasagna
Here is a delicious recipe for lower histamine chicken lasagna.