Delicious Lower Histamine Broccoli Fennel Soup

This delicious lower-histamine broccoli fennel soup is lower in oxalates and is Keto-diet friendly too. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Ingredient notes for this broccoli fennel soup This recipe uses my Lower Histamine Vegetable Broth as the base. I like to use Celtic Sea Salt for cooking and seasoning because it […]

What is Your MCAS Rescue Plan?

Having an MCAS rescue plan in place is key to managing symptoms. Mast Cell Activation symptom flares can occur from environmental exposures, eating triggering foods, having an emotional upset, a physical injury, work stress, or any combination of stressors that add up to overwhelm your system. Mast cells are involved in immune responses too, so if you get sick your mast cells will send messages to your brain through your nervous system that your body is under attack. You can react to hormonal changes like your monthly period, perimenopause, thyroid issues, and endocrine disruptions stemming from toxic exposures. You can even have a more pronounced mast cell reaction simply to mast cell activity in your body.

Tempting Lower Histamine Scones

This lower histamine scone recipe is tasty and satisfying! I love a scone with my morning tea! This recipe is adapted to combine cassava flour with sunflower flour to bring down the carbs while affording the best texture.

Lower Histamine Green Egg Bake for All Diets!

This lower histamine green egg bake is a savory and satisfying egg dish that is great for brunch or an afternoon snack. It works best to use a high-speed blender such as Vitamix for mixing the batter. This recipe includes versions for lower histamine, low oxalate, low salicylate, Keto, and low FODMAP.

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