This Asian chicken salad recipe makes a wonderful summer cold meal for hot days. And it’s lower in histamine, oxalates, salicylates, and low FODMAP too!
Have You Tried This Low-Risk Gentle Movement?
Gentle movement can mean the difference between not moving at all and being able to gradually build a sustainable exercise plan. This post provides a gentle movement routine to help you get started. Always consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning a new exercise routine.
Top 3 Lifechanging Campers for those with MCAS
This post compares my top 3 campers for those with chronic illness. During Covid-19 I wanted to get out and experience nature as a way to vacation without the risks of human contact. And so did a lot of other people! Sales of campers boomed, campsites were full, and vlogs about van life and car life exploded. Self-contained alternatives for vacationing like travel trailers and vans appeal to me with my Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) diagnosis since I can’t tolerate hotels due to off-gassing building materials, mold, and the standard use of cleaning and laundry chemicals.
How To Choose Sparkling Water for Those with MCAS
Here’s a run-down on sparkling water for those with MCAS. Sparkling water became my go-to beverage when I developed Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). I couldn’t tolerate alcoholic beverages anymore. Juices, sodas, and cafe beverages were out because I am on limiting carbs and caffeine. But when I want a “cocktail” in the evening most […]
Heavenly Lower Histamine Cheesy Rolls
Here’s my recipe for lower histamine cheesy rolls. This dough works well when used for making rolls, buns, and even pizza crust!
Delicious Guilt-Free Lower Histamine Cassava Mini Muffins
These lower histamine cassava mini muffins satisfy your craving for baked goods while being lower in histamine, oxalates, carbs, and saclicylates.
Super Satisfying Homemade Electrolyte Powder
Here’s my recipe for homemade electrolyte powder. It’s inexpensive, easy to mix up, and super satisfying!
Have You Heard About the Infectious Triggers of MCAS?
This post addresses infectious triggers of MCAS or mast cell activation syndrome.
Finding Safe Plastics for Life and Camping
This post discusses safe plastics for life and camping when you have a chronic illness like MCAS.
Comprehensive Guide to Safer Living Spaces For Chronic Illness
Having safer living spaces is a major part of feeling safe in your home, thereby enhancing parasympathetic rest. There are a number of considerations to keep in mind when building or moving houses or purchasing a new home if you have MCAS or a complex chronic illness.